Biest and Perimenopause | PYHP 142

Biest and Perimenopause | PYHP 142

Progress Your Health Podcast
Progress Your Health Podcast
Biest and Perimenopause | PYHP 142

In this episode, we discuss a listener’s question regarding perimenopause and estrogen
hormone replacement. Tracy is concerned because she is still having a period but also
has symptoms of low estrogen. She is not sure if she is a candidate for estrogen
therapy since she is still cycling.

Tracy’s Question:
Hi- you’ve discussed in past podcasts that you shouldn’t supplement with estrogen
hormone replacement therapy if you are still cycling. I will be 50 in a few months and
still cycling, albeit irregularly. My cycles will be 10 days long, 33 days long, 15 days long
etc. I am taking bioidentical testosterone and progesterone. I am suffering from dry
crepey skin,brittle hair, achy joints, really intense brain fog- so much so that I might
forget to attend an appointment or random names while in conversation, etc. I am also
struggling with some insomnia (waking at 4 am) and restless sleep even though I am
taking progesterone (up to 200 mg per day depending on where I am in my cycle). I am
concerned that my brain is not getting enough estrogen? What is your solution if you
aren’t supplementing with estrogen even though it might be fairly low in lab values or at
least the symptoms seem to show that? How do you help your patients find relief in the
interim? Thank you!

This episode, we will talk about:
● Estrogen therapy while still having a period.
● Perimenopause transition into menopause.
● Hormone levels in perimenopause and menopause.
● What is FSH and how does that determine menopause?
● What is Biest?
● Can you take Biest in Perimenopause?
If you have a question, please visit our website and click  Ask the Doctor a question.

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