Perimenopause and Thyroid | PYHP 143

Perimenopause and Thyroid | PYHP 143

Progress Your Health Podcast
Progress Your Health Podcast
Perimenopause and Thyroid | PYHP 143

In this episode, we return to a listener’s question regarding thyroid dosing in
perimenopause. In our previous episode, we answered Tracy’s question about taking
estrogen in perimenopause. Tracy also asked us an additional question about her
thyroid doses. Tracy does not have a thyroid gland and has been noticing her dose is
continually increasing as she progresses from perimenopause into menopause. Does
the hormonal changes in perimenopause and menopause cause increasing thyroid
hormone dose?

Tracy’s 2nd question:
HI- I do not have a thyroid and take compounded T4/T3 daily. I have also noticed that I
am also needing to take more thyroid hormone than I have previously to keep lab
values in optimal ranges and to keep hypothyroid symptoms at bay. It seems that the
farther I get into perimenopause the supplemental thyroid hormone Im requiring is
increasing as my sex hormones are naturally decreasing. Are naturally decreasing sex
hormones and thyroid hormone optimization in the body related? Do you see this in
your perimenopausal and menopausal patients? Needing to supplement thyroid
hormone to continue to achieve optimal results and acceptable symptoms? thanks!

In this episode, we discuss:
● What is Compounded Thyroid Medication?
● What are the types of thyroid medication?
● Having no thyroid
● Do hormonal changes in perimenopause and menopause require increasing
thyroid hormone dose?
● Thyroid testing
● Converting from instant-release thyroid to compounded T4T3 sustained-release
thyroid medication.
If you have a question, please visit our website and click  Ask the Doctor a question.

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