First, an apology is necessary because we have been away for so long. Even though we have been away for some time, we are glad to be back. The Progress Your Health Podcast and all our listeners are very important to us. We enjoy providing you with hormone related information.
As our loyal followers, you should know where we have been. This year, 2017 and also most of 2016 there have been a lot of changes in our life and our business. As some of you may recall, initially this podcast was The Dr. Rob Show, with Dr. Rob and Charlie. In 2016 after Charlie left the podcast, I entered the show, and we changed the name to Progress Your Health. We did several episodes focusing on hormone imbalances such as PMS, Menopause, Thyroid, and Adrenal issues to name a few.
However, during that time our business was going through its own changes. At the same time, Dr. Rob and I were going through our personal growth. Both, individually and as a couple. As mentioned in past podcast episodes, we have an office in California, and I had one in Las Vegas. For the past ten years, we were traveling back and forth between California and Las Vegas.
More accurately, Rob has been going back and forth, and I would rarely go because of work in my Las Vegas office. For the time it worked, but we both always wanted to have a full-time practice together. As it was, I was comfortable in my Las Vegas office, and as a creature of habit, I admit I was reluctant to change.
As you all know, sometimes things happen that you have no control over. In the last 12 months, there have been some issues with my family in Washington. These family problems made us look at what direction we wanted to take our relationship and our lives. So guess what? We moved to Washington state!
We still have our office in California. However, we are also working together in Bellingham, Washington. So now we can practice together and have a full-time marriage. Granted this move happened in the span of about three months. However, once we prayed about it and looked at the bigger picture, it all unfolded quickly. So here we are and ready to get the Progress Your Health Podcast back up and running.
So now what? We want to get back to sharing our experience and expertise to help you solve your hormonal imbalance issues. What can you expect to hear on upcoming episodes of the Progress Your Health Podcast?
Thank you for being supportive and understanding during our transition. Moving forward, we want to hear from you, so if you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment below or email us at
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Discover the common and unfamiliar symptoms that you might be experiencing. Get access to cases of real women with hormonal conditions.
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