When to Apply Biest Cream | PYHP 133

When to Apply Biest Cream | PYHP 133

Progress Your Health Podcast
Progress Your Health Podcast
When to Apply Biest Cream | PYHP 133

Recently, Catherine posted a question on our website about Biest cream, and we knew
this could interest our listeners.
Biest is a combination of estriol and estradiol, one of the most common forms of
estrogen therapy used in bio-identical hormone replacement. There are many doses,
ratios, options, and methods of using Biest, so we thought this would be an episode
dedicated to Biest and everything Biest.
This episode of the Progress Your Health Podcast is for all the Catherines out there with
questions about Biest hormone replacement cream.
Catherine’s Question:
Hello! Should I apply Biest only in the morning OR morning and night? My dose is 2
clicks. I’m asking because I’m wondering if Biest can be energizing. Thanks so much.
In this episode, we address:
● What is Biest?
○ Biest is a combination of estriol and estradiol used for hormone
● Can Biest give you energy?
● Should you take Biest morning and evening?
● How to dose Biest.
● Other hormones involved in hormone replacement, such as progesterone and
If you have a question, please visit our website and click Ask the Doctor a question.

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