Why do Uterine Fibroids Grow? | PYHP 044

Why do Uterine Fibroids Grow? | PYHP 044

Progress Your Health Podcast
Progress Your Health Podcast
Why do Uterine Fibroids Grow? | PYHP 044

why do uterine fibroids grow

Uterine Fibroids are benign growths inside the uterus.  Some people do not know they even have fibroids and others have significant symptoms that can impact their quality of life. For more information, you can read our blog post about Uterine Fibroids. This podcast discusses:

  • What are uterine fibroids?
  • Typical physical and mental symptoms of fibroids.
  • Causes of uterine fibroids
  • What causes uterine fibroids to grow larger

Uterine fibroids can be genetic, and you seem them run in families.  Or it can seem out of the blue, and no one in the family has them except you.  Either way, remember that uterine fibroids are not cancer. Uterine fibroids are benign growths.

While fibroids are not cancer-causing, they can still affect a woman’s quality of life.  Fibroids can have many symptoms from minor to excruciating.

Symptoms of Uterine Fibroids: 

  • Terrible period cramping.  Seriously a 15 out of 10 on a pain scale.  I have had some women that bring heating pads to work.  Some women take so much Tylenol and ibuprofen that their liver and kidneys become compromised.
  • Heavy periods.  When I say heavy periods, I mean heavy periods.  I have had some women that call in sick to school and work during the heavy days.  I have had some women use two tampons at once (yes at the same time, inside) during the heavy days.  Some women cannot even use tampons because the flow is so heavy, it will flush it out.
  • The periods are so heavy that the women become anemic.  Low blood iron levels from so much bleeding.
  • Irregular bleeding.  Fibroids can cause bleeding all month long.  Spotting after exercise or finding blood on the toilet paper.  There is nothing more of a buzzkill to sex is to notice bleeding.  Mid-cycle spotting, spotting a week before and after a period. 

Some women can have one fibroid or many fibroids.  Fibroids can be located all over the uterus. They are commonly found inside the uterus.  But fibroids can also be inside the uterine muscle wall. Fibroids are inside the uterine wall can cause a tremendous amount of pain.  I have had patients that have had hysterectomies because the pain is unbearable.

There is so much more you can do for fibroids that removing the uterus.  I understand, when there is that much pain and so much bleeding, a hysterectomy might be the best option.  But there are other alternatives to help keep the symptoms low. And there are reasons for why the uterine fibroids actually grow in the first place.  

Lifestyle and food can cause existing fibroids to grow, creating more symptoms.  And your own hormones can cause fibroids to grow, exacerbating symptoms. This podcast will explain in depth what lifestyle and dietary choices can increase the risk of fibroids.  And what you can do to reduce the symptoms of fibroids.

We will also tell you about conventional treatments for fibroids, from surgery to hormone treatments.  But before you go under the knife or take unsafe synthetic hormones, listen to this podcast. We will talk about our natural hormone balancing and lifestyle treatments to help shrink or alleviate the symptoms of uterine fibroids.  And as a gift to you, download our program to help you with weight loss and balancing hormones. The KCCP (Keto-Carb-Cycling-Program) will reduce the inflammatory processes that exacerbate uterine fibroids. At the same time, will help you lose weight, particularly belly fat.


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