Hormones are chemicals that are made by your endocrine glands. The glands release hormones into your bloodstream to be carried to the appropriate body part.
It’s difficult for you to function properly when your hormones are out of balance. A hormone imbalance can cause weight gain or mood swings that affect your day-to-day life. Taking hormones can help people whose bodies don’t make enough of a certain hormone, or whose hormone levels are unbalanced.
Bioidentical hormones are just one type of man-made hormones available. Of all the hormones out there, the bioidentical type is the closest to the real thing. These hormones are chemically identical to the ones your body makes, so you can absorb them easily. Bioidentical hormones are made in a laboratory and can come in different forms.
Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy is not a one-size-fits-all. Every woman has her own health goals, personal and family history when it comes to prescribing hormone replacement. And there are many questions pertaining to, ‘how to take, when to take, how much to take.’ Below I wanted to answer some reader questions. These questions are […]
Bioidentical hormone replacement/restoration (BHRT) is a powerful tool to help people balance their hormones. You can use BHRT for menopause, thyroid, adrenal fatigue, low testosterone, perimenopause to name a few. But every person is unique and may require a more personal approach to implementing BHRT. Since writing these articles on BHRT, we have gotten lots […]
Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) is what I have specifically been working with for the last 14 years. I am not your primary care physician and not your general practitioner. I am a hormone doctor and only work with patients that need hormone balancing. I have treated patients from 14 years old to 70 plus […]
Estriol is one of three estrogens that our bodies make. It is the gentlest of the estrogens and has great uses for anti-aging and bioidentical hormone replacement. The three estrogens we make are Estrone, Estradiol, and Estriol. Estrone and estradiol are much stronger than estriol. Here is a quick synopsis of estrone, estradiol, and […]
Progesterone is often used in hormone replacement therapy. It is used for women of all ages, from teens to postmenopausal. Bioidentical progesterone is safe and effective for symptoms of hormone imbalance such as PMS, Perimenopause, and Menopause. Often there is confusion over using a progesterone cream or capsule. Some say that cream is better. Others […]
Estradiol and biest are used typically for hormone replacement. They are both forms of estrogen and used for symptoms of low estrogen. Commonly they are used for menopause. The average age of menopause is 51.5 years old, although symptoms could start as early as the 40’s. The gradual decline of ovarian function can cause symptoms […]