Perimenopause Basic Hormone Panel
Concerned that you might be perimenopausal? Perimenopausal symptoms can be heavy, long and or frequent periods. Also, symptoms can be irritability, intermittent hot flashes/night sweats, forgetfulness, weight gain in the abdomen, insomnia, low libido, hair thinning and shedding. This hormone panel will evaluate a female’s reproductive hormones in order to assess if they are nearing menopause.
If you are still menstruating, have this test done on day 18 to 21 of your cycle. If you have had a hysterectomy but have your ovaries or an ablation in which you are not menstruating, have the blood drawn any day.
You do not need to be fasting for this blood draw.
This panel includes the following tests:
- LH
- Estradiol
- Progesterone
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